Prague 2023 - PIARC Prizes
Spotlight on Young Professionals
Forum for National Committees
- PIARC Prize "Young Professionals" - Development of Solar Pavement in Japan - Tetsuri Kaji, Tamotsu Yoshinaka
- PIARC Prize "Best Innovation" - Efficient Safety Assessment of Expressway Slope - Takashi Kitamura, Takamasa Niibe, Naoto Ogawa, Hideki Saito, Mitsuru Yamazaki, Atsushi Yashima
- PIARC Prize "Road Safety" - Road Management System for Adverse Weather Conditions - Ana Blanco Bergareche, Gema Leiro García, Ramiro Martínez Rodríguez, Laura Rey Ramos, Gabriela Ruggiero Pelay
- PIARC Prize "Sustainable Mobility" - Lessons Learned Through Automated Driving Bus Operation - Katsuyasu Iwasaki, Kimihiko Nakano, Keisuke Shimono, Yoshihiro Suda, Shoichi Suzuki, Manabu Umeda
- PIARC Prize "Organization and Administration" - José-Alfonso Balbuena-Cruz, Carlos-Daniel Martner-Peyrelongue
- PIARC Prize "Climate Change and Resilience" - Felipe Collazos Arias, Laura Crespo García, Alberto Gil Tomás, Fernando Jiménez Arroyo, Mónica Laura Alonso Plá, Laura Parra Ruiz
Download Issue 399
Routes/Roads Magazine 399 - Prague 2023 - PIARC Prizes
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- 58 pages
- Number of subscribers: around 1,100 people
- Distribution to 142 countries
PIARC President: Nazir Alli (South Africa)
Director of Publication: Patrick Malléjacq
Editor in chief: Robin Sébille
Publications Manager: Cécile Jeanne
Translations: Id2m (Rennes, France)
Printing/Distribution: INGENIDOC / Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray
Editorial webmaster: Ethan Wilton
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN: 0004-556 X
Authors may or may not be members of the Association (How to submit). Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication. Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.