
The Compliant Motorway - Road maintenance and operation Prize

Figures © Mouchel

What are the factors that define and'drive' the achievement of successful outcomes - in the'managed highway' context? Complex relationships exist between the'hard' engineering (the provision of technology systems and infrastructure) and'softer' operational measures (the manner that the network operator uses the network -actively and reactively; manually and automatically). How these factors combine to achieve'required' driver behaviours results in successful scheme outcomes.

The UK Highways Agency (HA) M42 Active Traffic Management (ATM) Pilot on the M42 motorway achieved significant and impressive levels of behavioural compliance which have underpinned the success of the scheme. To progress the achievements of this Pilot scheme and develop the design to facilitate future optimisation, it is crucially important to understand these inter-relationships: Relationships between: driver behaviours, operational interventions and infrastructure and technology provision.