XXVth World Road Congress - Seoul 2015
Download Issue 371
Revue Routes Roads Magazine 371 - World Road Association Mondiale de la Route.pdf
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96 pages, bilingual French-English, distribution: 5,200 copies towards 142 countries.
PIARC President: Oscar de Buen Richkarday (Mexico)
Director of Publication: Patrick Malléjacq
Editor in chief: Robin Sébille
Publishing Assistant: Cécile Jeanne
Translations: Marie Pastol (PIARC), Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté-Rodriguez
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN: 0004-556 X
Authors may or may not be members of the Association (How to submit). Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication. Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.