Urban Mobility
Forum for National Committees
Spotlight on Young Professionals
- Are New Mobility Services Going to Redefine the Urban Landscape? - Wanda Debauche
- Building Compact Cities Linked by Transit Networks in Japan - Shuichi Kamata, Akira Endo, Takashi Yajima, Takumi Nishimura
- Sustainable Mobility in Urban Regions: What are the Highest-Priority Needs? - André Broto
- The Case for Optimizing the Use of Public Urban Spaces - Wanda Debauche, Olivier Van Damme
- Best Practices for Improving Urban Transport Efficiency in China: Case Study in Zhuzhou and Shenzhen - Xumei Chen
- Analysis of Developments in the Infrastructure of Transportation Systems in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires - Oscar Fariña
- Enhancing the Benefits Ascribed to «Bus Rapid Transit» Projects - Mathieu Luzerne, Quentin Moulas
- Universal Design Project for the Seoul Subway: Development of a Subway Transfer Map for Users with Reduced Mobility - Namkung Ok, Yoonjae Shin, Ahyun Kim
Road Stories
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- 68 pages, English
- Distribution: 3,200 copies towards 142 countries.
PIARC President: Claude Van Rooten (Belgium)
Director of Publication: Patrick Malléjacq
Editor in chief: Robin Sébille
Publications Manager : Cécile Jeanne
Translations: Marie Pastol (PIARC), Id2m, Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté-Rodriguez, Robert Sachs
Printing: IMB (France) ; Diffusion: GIS (France)
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN: 0004-556 X
Authors may or may not be members of the Association (How to submit). Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication. Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.