Women’s portraits

Caroline Evans, Taking the Environment to Heart

Illustrations © Author

Caroline Evans has been involved in PIARC for 12 years. She has 23 years’ experience in the road transport sector and has a Batchelor of Economics and Post-Graduate Diploma in Economics, specializing in environmental sustainability.

Knowledge sharing has always been a passion of mine and PIARC provides an ideal platform for me to work with other countries globally to disseminate practices, to assist in making more informed decisions to address economic, social and environmental challenges as they arise. Over the years with PIARC, I have had opportunities to share knowledge relating to climate change which also has stemmed from an interest in this field on a day-to-day basis. Through my career as an economist and policy advisor across the Victorian Government, Australian Government, research and consulting, I have developed projects on climate change and resilience projects focusing on adaptation frameworks, providing guidance and best-practice approaches for the analysis of climate change hazards, risk and vulnerability analysis, and use of economic analysis tools for prioritizing infrastructure investment in the future.