Spotlight on Young Professionals
Forum for National Committees
- Introduction to the Features of the Special Routes/Roads on Road Asset Management - Gerardo Flintsch, Pascal Rossigny
- Implications of a Network-Level Approach to Various Asset Management Processes - Ricardo Solorio
- Approaches for Data Exchange and Exploitation to Combine Asset Management Systems and BIM (AMSFree) - Dr.-Ing. Tim Blumenfeld, Rade Hajdin, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus König, Liu Liu, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Stöckner
- Efficient Exchange of Data between Asset Management Systems and BIM Platform in Road Infrastructure Asset Management - Sukalpa Biswas, Darko Kokot, Jelena Petrović
- Performance-Based Decision Making for Asset Management - Dr. James Smith
- Asset Management Developments in the United States - Matt Haubrich, Gerardo Flintsch, Katie Zimmerman
- Application of the Assets Management Principles for the Safety Improvement of Regional Road Networks - Mauro D’Apuzzo, Azzurra Evangelisti, Vittorio Nicolosi
- Advances in Road Asset Management in Chile within the Framework of the ‘PIARC Asset Management Manual' - Robinson Lucero Campos, Miguel Valdés Flores
- GERESE – Secondary Road Network Management Project, Optimised Road Network Management - Pascal Rossigny, Sébastien Wasner
- Renewal and Rejuvenation of Aging Infrastructure - Johannes Dirmeier, John Paterson
Road Stories
Spotlight on young professionals
Mamadou Samba Diallo (Senegal)

Illustrations © Author
35 years old, Head of Engineering and Planning Division at the Ministry of Infrastructure, Land Transport and Opening Up / Directorate of Roads (Senegal)