Forum for National Committees
Spotlight on Young Professionals
- Road Asset Management: from Local Level to Supranational Perspectives, from Successfully Implemented Approaches to Visions for the Future - Thomas Linder
- Digitization 4.0 in Asset Management ; A challenge for the future - Alfred Weninger-Vycudil
- Common Framework for a European Life-Cycle Based Asset Management Approach for Transport Infrastructure Networks - Darko Kokot,
- Britain. ISO 55001 Certification - An Example from the UK - Sam Beamish
- Requirements for the Education of Road Asset Managers - A PIARC Approach - David Darwin, Slawomir Heller, Ylva Lindstrom
- Multi-Objective Approaches to Cross-Asset Resource Allocation in Transportation Asset Management - Vittorio Nicolosi, Maria Grazia Augeri, Fulvio Soccodato
- Development of Advanced Asset Management System in Japanese Expressways - Shigeru Shimeno, Isao Ueda, Tomonobu Tanino
- Advances in the Implementation of Road Asset Management in Chile - Carlos Ruiz Trevizan, Miguel Valdés Flores
- Maintenance Programming Performance-based Contracts using HDM-4 - Richard Solorio
Road Stories
Maintenance Programming for Performance-based Contracts using HDM-4
Richard Solorio Head of the Research Group on Road Infrastructure Management, Mexican Institute of Transport, Mexico Spanish-language Secretary of Technical Committee D.1 Asset Management