Tunnel classification according to ADR dangerous goods transport network modification in Gipuzkoa
Illustrations © ATC The region of Gipuzkoa is one of the main communication hubs between Europe and the Iberian Peninsula and one of the …
N° 364 (4th Quater 2014 / October)
"Road tunnels operations" Technical Committee's contribution to Road Safety
N° 359 (3rd quarter 2013 / July)
Korea's first underground double decker road for light vehicles
In 2007 traffic congestion in Seoul, with its population of 11 million people, was costing the economy approx. USD 7.64 billion. …
N°350 (2d Quarter 2011)
Life cycle aspects of electrical road tunnel equipment
Life Cycle Cost Aspects (LCC-Aspects) have become an important subject for tunnel owners and operators, private or governemental. In the …
N°350 (2d Quarter 2011)
Risk evaluation for road tunnels
The process of risk evaluation is intended to help answer the question of whether a tunnel is safe enough; i.e. are the risks acceptable or …
N°350 (2d Quarter 2011)
Security and safety of road tunnels and other critical infrastructures
Alarge percentage of the existing transportation infrastructure was designed based on the knowledge and experience of decades past. In the …
N°350 (2d Quarter 2011)
The ITA committee on operational safety of underground facilities (COSUF): five years of activity and cooperation with PIARC
In 1957, PIARC assembled a technical committee to study road tunnels; the committee was composed of representatives from six European …
N°350 (2d Quarter 2011)
St. Gotthard: The world's longest railway tunnel: Promoting the transfer of freight traffic from road to rail
As of October 15th, 2010, the day when boring operations were completed on both sides, the Gotthard base tunnel supplanted Japan's Seikan …
N°349 (1st Quarter 2011)
Road Tunnel Operations
On this page you will find all articles on the topic "Road Tunnel Operations"