Forum for National Committees
Spotlight on young professionals
- The Andorra Congress: First glimpse of the technical content - Didier Giloppé
- The effects of climate change on winter service in Germany - Peter Hoffmann, Hermann Österle and Friedrich-Wilhelm Gerstengarbe, Christian Holldorb, Franziska Rumpel
- A benefit-cost approach to level of service standards for winter road maintenance - Max Perchanok, Heather McClintock, Liping Fu, Lalita Thakali, Tina Greenfield Huitt
- Improving the resilience of the United Kingdom's road network to the impact of severe winter weather - Matthew Lugg
- Sapporo winter road management plans - YasuhiroTakamatsu, Takuji Umezawa
- Materials and technologies for winter road maintenance in Lithuania - Matas Bulevičius, Darjusas Mučinis, Donatas Čygas, Alfredas Laurinavičius, Audrius Vaitkus
- Traffic ability of heavy vehicles on an incline - Torgeir Vaa, Per Brandli
- Challenges related to winter operations in urban highway tunnels - Alexandre Debs
- Assessment and repair of bridges subjected to de-icing salts - Ulrik Sloth Andersen, Henrik Nielsen
Road stories
Forum for National Committees
Japan Road Association as the National Committee
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