N° 366
Management of Road Assets
Forum for National Committees
Spotlight on young professionals
- Implementation of a management assistance system dedicated to road maintenance in Niger - Philippe Lepert, Ibrahim Maman Sanda
- The Portuguese national road network pavement management system - João Morgado, Francisco Costa Pereira, Sandra Lopes, Carlos Santinho Horta
- Methods for pavement maintenance planning at operational level and distribution of maintenance funds among sub-networks - Slawomir Heller
- The road asset management in Latin-American countries and Spain - implementing new ideas and procedures - Carlos Ruiz Trevizán
- The 5th generation road: the joint A10/A11 motorway section - Christophe Hug, Jean-Yves Blanchard, Pierre Hornych, Juliette Blanc, Jean-Pierre Kerzreho
- New pavement types reduce rolling resistance - Bjarne Schmidt
- Load capacity measurements with the traffic speed deflectometer (TSD) - Olaf Weller, Roland Degelmann, Dirk Jansen
- Energy saving and performance modelling of tunnel lighting systems for investment decision-making - Paola Verde, Pietro Varilone, Francesco Caporaso, Michele Montecuollo
Road stories
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96 pages, bilingual French-English, distribution: 5,200 copies towards 142 countries.
PIARC President: Oscar de Buen Richkarday (Mexico)
Director of Publication: Jean-François Corté
Editor in chief: Robin Sébille
Art direction: Céline Le Graciet
Publishing Assistant: Cécile Jeanne
Translations: Marie Pastol (PIARC), Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté-Rodriguez, Robert Sachs
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN: 0004-556 X
Authors may or may not be members of the Association (How to submit). Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication. Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.