
Resilience of Road Network: A Preventive Approach to Bridge Seismic Retrofitting to Reduce Macro-Economic Impacts

Illustrations © AuthorsAdobe Stock © francescodemarco

Transport infrastructure networks are essential to ensure the economic development of nations and to improve the quality of life of citizens. For this reason, the focus on proper management of these systems has been increasing over the last 50 years. Since the end of the 90’s, an intense research and dissemination activity has been developed, aimed at encouraging and promoting the implementation of Asset Management (AM) principles in road organizations. The launch of the 55000 series ISO Standards for Asset Management between 2014 and 2019 represents a step change for the AM community. Within this framework, current regulations and application manuals underline that the organization, when planning the asset management system, must determine the risks and opportunities to achieve the expected results. Criteria to be used for the risk management are clearly described in the ISO 31000 standard, updated in 2018, which considers risk assessment and risk treatment as being at the centre of the risk management process.