Road Tunnels
Spotlight on Young Professionals
Forum for National Committees
- Introduction to the Special Edition on Road Tunnels - Ingo Kaundinya
- Tunnels of the Future - 2030 Objective - Rafael López Guarga
- Towards more Sustainable Road Tunnels in Australia and New Zealand: Recommendations for Practitioners - Nigel Lloyd, Les Louis, Georgia O’Connor, Tony Peglas, Michael Tziotis, Dr Richard Yeo, Dr Simon Xue
- Tunnel Design for Improving the Environmental Conditions in the Surrounding Area - Juan Manuel Sanz Sacristán
- Limiting Nuisance for Traffic During the Refurbishment of the Heinenoord Tunnel in the Netherlands - In Search of Resilience Possibilities - Ronald Mante,
- Quantitative Risk Assessment Approaches for New Vehicle Propulsion Energy Carriers in Road Tunnels - Patrik Fößleitner, Oliver Heger, Bernhard Kohl, Anne Lehan
- Alternative Energy Vehicles (AEV) in the Somport Tunnel - Óscar Aguarta Nasarre, Daniel Fernández Morlans, Emilio Leo Ferrando, Nuria Romeo Girón, Antoine Ruiz
- KITT – Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Safety of Tunnels and Tunnel Control Centres - Harald Kammerer, Bernhard Klampfer, Anne Lehan, Hendrik Wahl
- The Complex Nature of Operating a Large Infrastructure - Antonio Jesús Tocino de la Iglesia
- Maintenance and Traffic Operation of Heavily Trafficked (Urban) Road Tunnels - Camille Jamet, Arthur Kabuya, Urs Welte
- Conclusions of the 2nd International Conference on Road Tunnel Operations and Safety and of the VIII Spanish Tunnels Symposium of the Technical Road Association (ATC) - Rafael Sánchez Tostón
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Routes/Roads Magazine 396 - Road Tunnels
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- 68 pages
- Number of subscribers: 1,170 people
- Distribution to 142 countries
PIARC President: Nazir Alli (South Africa)
Director of Publication: Patrick Malléjacq
Editor in chief: Robin Sébille
Publications Manager: Cécile Jeanne
Translations: Id2m (Rennes, France)
Printing/Distribution: INGENIDOC / Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray
Editorial webmaster: Ethan Wilton
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN: 0004-556 X
Authors may or may not be members of the Association (How to submit). Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication. Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.