Vulnerable Road Users on Rural Highways - A Malaysian Perspective
Based on global road casualty statistics, someone dies every 30 seconds somewhere as a result of a road traffic crash, and this figure is …
N°376 (1st quarter 2018)
Vulnerable Road Users on Rural Highways: A South African Perspective
Available publications, guidelines and manuals on road safety tend to relate to Vulnerable Road Users in the context of high income or …
N°376 (1st quarter 2018)
Overview of road freight transport management in Metropolitan areas: Combining economic efficiency, environmental protection, traffic safety and quality of life
Both Road Freight Transport Management (RFTM) constitutes a set of measures designed to channel road freight traffic onto preferable routes …
N°374 (3rd Quarter 2017)
Public attitude towards traffic calming measures
Based on data of World Health Organization (2015), each year over 1.2 million people die on the world's roads, with millions suffering …
N°374 (3rd Quarter 2017)
Autonomous Vehicles in Spain - Working to Drastically Reduce Accidents and Congestion
By definition, human beings are fallible. They make mistakes for several reasons such as tiredness, carelessness, drowsiness, poor …
N°373 (2nd Quarter 2017)
ECo-AT : The Austrian Contribution to the Cooperative ITS Corridor Rotterdam-Frankfurt-Vienna
"These systems enable direct communication between vehicles, roadside infrastructure and traffic control centres. "N°373 (2nd Quarter 2017)
Lithuania Zero traffic accidents at road work zones Still a challenge
Road operation and maintenance are the main part of road asset management. Only cost efficient and timely repair of deteriorated pavements …
N°373 (2nd Quarter 2017)
The Connected Car: Delegation of Driver Responsibility and Legal Liability
The vehicle of the future will be connected, cooperative and most likely self-driving. Featuring a variety of configurations, the connected …
N°373 (2nd Quarter 2017)
Road safety impact bonds - A financial business case
Road infrastructure safety investments worldwide can provide very high returns on investment with benefit cost ratios in excess of 5 to 1 …
N° 369 (2nd Quarter 2016 / April)
Justifying road safety investments for locations without collisions by quantifying road safety risk
Since creating a Road Improvement Program (RIP), the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) has invested over 110 million …
N° 368 (1st Quarter 2016 / January)
Road Safety
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