Forum for National Committees

The World Road Association National Committee of Mongolia

Illustrations © MRA

The Mongolian Road Association (MRA) is a non-political, non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2008 by a Resolution of the Parliament. The MRA works in compliance with the Mongolian Constitutional Law, Law on NGOs, International Decree and Treaties and other consistent Laws and regulations on the protection of rights and interests of its members. The МRA functions with 232 members comprising individuals, institutional organizations, road contractors, consulting firms and a Governing Committee, composed of 15 members from Mongolian Road Consulting Engineers, Directors of Road Contracting and Consulting Firms, and also with a Consultative Committee of 51 members; MRA aims at protecting and expressing the rights and interests of more than4000 road professionals in the sector.It also implements governmental policies to support and develop the road network and transport sector, in consistency with mid and long term strategies on the sector's goals.