Risk and emergency management as a basis for road intelligent transportation systems (ITS) planning and operation
Illustrations © Dirección General de Tráfico In modern and hyper-connected societies, adverse risky events have been found to generally …
N° 364 (4th Quater 2014 / October)
Traffic control centers - organization and role in traffic risk and incident reduction
"Egnatia Odos" motorway is located in northern Greece and belongs to the core Trans-European Road Network (TERN 1). It is a four-lane …
N° 364 (4th Quater 2014 / October)
Tunnel classification according to ADR dangerous goods transport network modification in Gipuzkoa
Illustrations © ATC The region of Gipuzkoa is one of the main communication hubs between Europe and the Iberian Peninsula and one of the …
N° 364 (4th Quater 2014 / October)
US expériences with asset management: adapting to extreme events and associated risks
Illustrations - Hurricane Sandy consequences The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) continuously seeks innovative ways to improve the …
N° 364 (4th Quater 2014 / October)
Large road bridges : risk analysis and monitoring
Large road bridges are very expensive assets which require monitoring in order to assess and mitigate the risks and to ensure the very long …
N°350 (2d Quarter 2011)
Risk evaluation for road tunnels
The process of risk evaluation is intended to help answer the question of whether a tunnel is safe enough; i.e. are the risks acceptable or …
N°350 (2d Quarter 2011)
Risk Management
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