Road tunnels: safety and operations - Monitoring of large bridges - Half-warm mix asphalts
Forum for National Committees
Spotlight on young professionals
- Large road bridges : risk analysis and monitoring - Thierry Kretz
- Roads crisscrossing their way through culture, nature and technical progress - Part 2 Europe's tree-lined avenues - Chantal Pradlines
- Road safety and tree-lined avenues - The experience from West-Berlin and Eastern Germany - Hans-Joachim Vollpracht
- The ITA committee on operational safety of underground facilities (COSUF): five years of activity and cooperation with PIARC - Didier Lacroix
- Risk evaluation for road tunnels - Gary Clark, Bernard Kohl
- Security and safety of road tunnels and other critical infrastructures - Ahmed Kashef
- Korea's first underground double decker road for light vehicles - Hur In, Kim Seok-Chul
- Life cycle aspects of electrical road tunnel equipment - Urs Welte
- A comparison of environmental impacts of hot and warm mix asphalt - Agnès Jullien, Yvan Baudru, Philippe Tamagny, François Olard, Daniel Zavan
Road Stories
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96 pages, bilingual French-English, distribution: 5,200 copies towards 142 countries.
PIARC President: Anne-Marie Leclerc (Canada-Québec)
Director of Publication: Jean François Corté
Editor in chief: Jean-Marc Philippeau
Art direction: Céline Le Graciet
Publishing Assistant: Cécile Jeanne
Translations: Marie Pastol (PIARC), Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté-Rodriguez, Robert Sachs
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN : 0004-556 X
Authors may or may not be members of the Association (How to submit). Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication. Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.